Saturday, August 1, 2009

Finals Week

Hi Everyone,

This post is by me (Neal) yet again. Leanna has been busy working for the past week on her final exams for her summer classes. By this I mean that she has holed herself off in my parent's basement and has been working 14-16 hours per day on her insanely long finals.

Due to the intensity of her final exam schedule, we decided to go to Philly to spend the week with my parents. That way I have some help taking care of Aviva while Leanna is in her dungeon (also known as the den). To get an idea, here is a sample of Leanna's daily schedule when she was mid-exam:

8:30 am: wake up
8:30 - 8:32 am: bathroom
8:32 am - 11:00 am: work
11:00 am - 11:05 am: talk to Neal, get one (if not many) sodas, decide what she wants for lunch.
11:05 am - 12:20 pm: work
12:20 pm - 12:40 pm: See Aviva, give her a bottle, put her down for her nap
12:40 pm - 2:00 pm: work
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm: eat lunch/work
2:15 pm - 2:17 pm: bathroom
2:17 pm - 7:30 pm: work
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm: Give Aviva her bath/bottle, and put her to bed
8:00 pm - ???? am: work/dinner
???? am: bed.

On the positive side, Leanna has finished all of her exams, and is currently working on the final requirement for her classes-a term paper for her addictions class. But once that is completed and submitted she can finally enjoy her summer, or at least the next three weeks before fall classes begin.

Oh yes, I almost forgot...Leanna's tooth is fixed, and she can eat normally, though I think she has developed a fear of Target's caramel cashew nut mix.

While Leanna was chugging away on her exams, Aviva, my parents and I went to the playground and to the beach (which Aviva absolutely loves). One night (after her big, stressful final was over) Leanna, my father and I went to a local playground. Aviva had a great time chasing the rabbits. After an hour at the park, Aviva was exhausted and decided that only my father could carry her back to the car (see picture).

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