Monday, June 22, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed

Holy hell - what a crazy time it's been lately! Our summer is officially in full swing and it's not going to let up for a little while. I guess that's what makes it fun though, huh? :)

Our summer vacation series kicked off on June 6th when my mom and niece came to visit. The three of us (sans baby) went to New York for four days and had as much fun as we possibly could. Well, except for the fact that we had a TERRIBLE tour of lower Manhattan. We went shopping in Greenwich Village and East Village, we ate delicious pizza in SoHo, we stuffed our faces with the most enormous sandwiches one has ever seen, and took pictures, pictures, pictures!

My mom took Aviva home with her on the airplane and Neal & I headed west by ourselves. We went a different route this time around (we drove) because we had to make a stop-over in Indiana for Neal's sister.

While we were in Iowa, we went on a quick whirlwind tour to go to my nephew's baseball game, went to visit old co-workers, and visited my other sister as well. B-U-S-Y! We then made a quick, day and a half pit stop in Omaha to visit my other brother and his family and then flew out to Seattle. We got in to Seattle today and are here until Wednesday. Then, we're off to Oregon for a family wedding!

Speaking of Seattle, I think I personally experienced Hell today. Aviva was fine on the first leg of the trip (the plane ride was only a little more than an hour) but then on the flight from Denver to Seattle (which is around 3 hours), she slept for the first 45 mins, then literally SCREAMED AND CRIED non-stop for the next 2 hours, and then she quieted down as we began our descent into Seattle. I'm sure everyone around us wanted us dead by the end of the flight. Let's just say thank goodness Southwest has an endless supply of Sky Mall catalogs because approximately four and a half of them are now in shreds in their garbage can thanks to Aviva.

Aviva is getting 6 teeth right now. One molar popped through about a week ago, and we can see a second molar ready to break through, as well as two more top front teeth and two more bottom front teeth. Poor girl! No wonder she's absolutely miserable.

Aviva also has begun to walk! She's been walking for about the last three weeks and it didn't take her long to catch on. She did the whole walk/crawl thing for two days and then decided that walking was much more fun. She hasn't crawled since. I think that's also why she hated the plane ride - because she couldn't get out of her carseat and run around.

We'll see what the next few days bring. Maybe by not being around people for a few days will help her. All I know is that this was the worst plane ride ever!

1 comment:

  1. That SUCKS about the plane ride. I feel so bad for you guys! And poor Aviva getting all those teeth in. No wonder! Hopefully they all pop through tonight and it's all over before the plane ride home. :-) Good luck with the rest of your travels!

    And GO, AVIVA with the walking! We can't wait to see you guys in August!
