Saturday, May 30, 2009

Nothing Gets Past Her Now

Well, I thought we would have a little more time before this began happening, but oh well - what can you do? Two months ago, the worst imaginable thing for Aviva was to swing. Now, that's all she wants to do. So Aviva & I met Neal at the baby park on Wednesday afternoon for a little swinging and a little sliding. Aviva & I were out and about and so we all just met at the park. Well, our trip to the baby park accidentally took us past a different park and about two blocks away, Aviva saw the swings at that park and starting pointing and screeching! I turned around to see what was wrong and she started smiling. She saw the swings and wanted to go play!

That night, I was changing her diaper (which has become more and more difficult as the days progress) and she saw her Little People lion next to her. A while ago, we taught her that a lion says "roar" by lifting our hand into a "claw" (original, I know) and extending our arm. Well, she picked up the lion and then just raised her hand into a claw. I don't think she has seen that lion toy in six months. What a smart baby! :)

Alright, I just had to brag. I don't do it often, but how could I resist? She's getting too smart for her own good.

1 comment:

  1. Brag more often! I love it!! That is so funny about the swings. You're in trouble now! :-)
