Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Zoo Day!

Since it is absolutely beautiful out today (read: 70 and not a cloud in the sky), we ventured out to the zoo. It's only about 10 minutes away from our house and was the first time we have gone. What a fun trip! For a small state zoo, there were actually quite a few animals - elephants, giraffes, zebras, bears, camels, and lots of other four & two-legged creatures. There was even a quasi-petting zoo there, but the animals were behind wooden fences and you couldn't feed them.

Here, Aviva is petting a very friendly sheep. It's wool was not nearly as soft as I thought it would be and instead was just one big mat. I would like to be there when they shear that thing! Can you imagine the sweaters you could knit out of its coat?!? There was also an "exotic" type of cow, a donkey, two baby goats, a wild pig, rabbits, and a few hens or chickens, I think. We made sure to wash our hands really well at the hand-washing station after we were done petting all of the animals!

I think Aviva's favorite animal was the elephant. There were three elephants and it was feeding time, so it was neat to watch the elephants pulling their hay/grass out of the mesh bag atop a pole. Aviva was fascinated by the elephants, especially when they would stick their trunk up into the bag for food and then put their trunk in their mouth. We stood there for nearly ten minutes just watching the elephants eat!

When Aviva wakes up from her nap, I think we're going to take a walk and go fly our kite! Yay!

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