Monday, April 20, 2009

Quite the Talker

Well, Aviva has become quite the talker these days. Of course, she's not speaking in ten-word sentences or anything nearly that advanced, but still, we've got to celebrate the little things, don't we? Her new vocabulary repertoire includes: "nite-nite," "mama," "dada," "nana (for banana)," and her all-time favorite, "uh-oh." She also pants every time we see a dog (because that's what dogs do) and tries to meow at the cat. She's also working on her imitations, which include meowing and making blender noises. I tried to encourage her to imitate the vacuum cleaner today, but she was more interested in playing with blocks.

Aviva keeps herself busy by trying to take everything out of its place, which is great for her, but not for me! She also likes to play with her alphabet blocks that Grandma Marilyn gave her and she'll stack three or four and then knock them down. Who knew being so destructive could be so much fun?!?

It's been insanely beautiful up here for the past four days - this weekend we spent a lot of time outdoors going for walks, playing at the baby park, and flying Aviva's first kite. We went to the stadium that Brown University uses for football to fly her kite, and it just so happens that the area is also quite the "unofficial" dog park of the East Side. So, of course, Aviva was more interested in all of the dogs rather than her kite, but I sure did have fun flying it for her!

Tomorrow is story time at the library and on Wednesday we start swimming lessons! Yay! I'll let you know how it goes after the fact. Good night!

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