Saturday, May 2, 2009


So, I've been soooo good for the past three weeks. I've walked every single day (I logged 19.1 miles this week) and I think I've eaten more fruits and vegetables in the past three weeks than I have in the past three years. Who knew that I would like zucchini so much?!?

And then I had a bad day. Harumph. Well, really just a bad night and admittedly it wasn't really even that bad. But I caved. And I went to McDonalds. And had the 2 cheeseburger meal with fries. And a vanilla ice-cream cone. And some Ben & Jerry's ice-cream. And a few Milk Duds. Whoops!

Tomorrow it's back to the grindstone but for right now, I feel very, very gross! Alanis Morrisette said it best. "You live. You learn."

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