Sunday, May 10, 2009

Time Goes Too Quickly

Our friend Mark came to visit this weekend from North Carolina. There was a teaching conference in Boston that he flew in for and both Mark and Neal went. It was great to see him again and was sad to see him go. I told him that as soon as I get my new phone (May 21st - wahoo!), I'll be better about calling him. And everyone else for that matter - I don't know what it is - maybe working so many years where my main responsibility was being on the phone from 8am-5pm every day - has soured me on phone conversations. Ugh - I'm surprised people still call me because I'm bad at calling people back! :)

While Neal & Mark were in Boston, Aviva and I had a busy day. Friday morning we went to the zoo for a little while (just basically to see the elephants and the giraffes!), went to Kohl's, and then went to the fabric store. After Aviva's nap, we went to a little local shop and bought her some new shoes and then went to the baby park.

After Aviva's 15 minutes of swinging - which, she totally loves now! - she went down the slide a few times. After that, there was a push toy next to the slide that she was attracted to and she went over, stood up, and began to walk by herself!!! Well, by herself with the assistance of the toy - but still! I was so proud of her! She whizzed around the park for about 40 minutes and there I was, the silly mom who was clapping and cheering for her the entire time! Oh well! She took some spills but got right back up and kept on going. Hopefully she'll be walking on her own soon!

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